Last month one of the Bake Designs t-shirts was featured in Front Magazine in their '101 t-shirts to kill for this summer' feature. pictures not great but i just came across it.
Just watched 'I'm Here' by Spike Jonze, heard a bit about it long before the release and saw the trailer but it kind of passed me by until now. it should be watched by everybody. Truly beautiful.
Click here to visit the site and view the whole short movie for free.
During the last term i have been creating a book based on the theme of Forward/Rewind.
My project was based around Salvation Army brass bands and more specifically around my family's history within them.
When I started the project my knowledge of our family history was somewhat limited, but during the project I have developed a greater understanding of the subject, and become increasingly proud as the subject has gone on.
The final outcome is a 56 page perfect bound book, with a screen printed cover. Accompanying the book is a set of three posters which display through the means of a family tree, all the members of my family who have been members of the Salvation Army throughout the years.